When you’re in the middle of an insurance claim, you don’t have the time or energy to worry about the difference between a loss assessor and a loss adjuster – or which one you need to receive the settlement you deserve. Find the answers you need so you can get back on your feet with the support of a professional loss assessor.

So, what is the difference between loss assessors and loss adjusters? 

The terms “loss assessor” and “loss adjuster” may sound synonymous to policyholders. While both are pivotal in the claim management process, there is one significant difference between the roles of a loss assessor and a loss adjuster.

A loss adjuster works for your insurance company to review your insurance policy and “adjust” your claim. When you make a home and contents insurance claim or a commercial property building and contents insurance claim, insurance companies will send a loss adjuster to your property to survey the damage, photograph the property, and analyse your coverage.

On the other hand, a loss assessor works for you. Unlike a loss adjuster, you are not automatically assigned a loss assessor during the claim management process. It is up to the policyholder – you – to take up the right to hire a loss assessor.

What is the role of a loss assessor in the claims management process?

When you choose to appoint a loss assessor, you can rest assured that you have an advocate in your corner. Loss assessors remove the burden of claims management from you and your family, assisting you with the home insurance claims process from start to finish and working fully to serve their clients’ interests.

It’s critical to engage a loss assessor as quickly as possible. While most policyholders are familiar with the coverage detailed in their insurance policy, a loss assessor knows the claims process inside and out. Your loss assessor takes on the stress of dealing with your insurance company as your intermediary and manages the insurance claim on your behalf. They know the answers to questions such as “How do insurance companies pay out claims?”, “How to deal with home insurance claim adjusters?” and “how insurance companies investigate claims” so you don’t have to, and they understand how to mitigate problems with loss adjusters.

Loss Assessor or Loss Adjuster

Do I need a loss assessor?

The value and effectiveness of an expert assessor are impossible to quantify. By engaging an assessor in your claim’s early stages, you can experience a totally hands-free insurance claim process.

A loss assessor aims to restore your home or business quickly and professionally. From filling out paperwork full of legal jargon to negotiating with loss adjusters, your assessor gives you back both your time and your peace of mind, as you know that no stone is being left unturned.

In many cases, a loss assessor can also secure emergency payments on your behalf from your insurance company, providing much-needed financial assistance in the early stages of your claim.

Professional loss assessors are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and have the knowledge to speed up the claims process and maximise your settlement. Most importantly, they have your best interests at heart. Your loss assessor monitors the claims handling procedure with care to ensure that you see positive results.

Who pays for a loss assessor?

Whether you’re beginning the insurance claim process or unhappy with your negotiations so far, a loss assessor may seem like a helpful addition. However, some people may hesitate, wondering, “How much does a loss assessor cost? I don’t know if I can afford one.”

When facing financial strain due to property damage, we know that digging deeper into your pockets is the last thing you want to do. Thankfully, engaging a loss assessor won’t drain your bank account – in fact, it can cost you nothing.

A loss assessor’s purpose is to negotiate the best settlement for you. Should you choose to appoint your loss assessor’s recommended contractors to carry out the repairs to your home or business, some loss assessors will waive their fees entirely. In these circumstances their contractor will pay them a management fee, thus it costs you nothing.

In other circumstances you may decide upon a cash settlement of the claim, In these instances, your loss assessor will receive a small percentage of the final claim (rather than a flat or hourly rate) once it is settled.

When to appoint a loss assessor

When dealing with the claims process, it is critical to appoint a professional assessor as soon as possible. Many people may wait to seek loss assessors’ assistance until they find themselves unhappy with the insurance claims process or disagree with the insurance settlement.

A loss assessor is most effective when brought in early. Rather than dragging out the process or creating more stress for yourself, be sure to appoint an assessor at the start of your claims process to obtain the maximal settlement from your insurer. You may be able to reopen a denied or minimised claim, but the support of a loss assessor working on your behalf from start to finish results in less difficulty – and quite often, a higher settlement figure – for you.

What is the role of a loss adjuster?

Now that we’ve explained what a loss assessor is, let’s look at the difference between a loss assessor and a loss adjuster, who works for the insurance company rather than for you. Insurance companies hire loss adjusters to assess the value of major property damage claims due to fire, flood, theft, and more. After determining whether your policy covers the damage or loss claimed, loss adjusters survey your property on behalf of your insurance company. Loss adjusters may photograph your home or business to document the damage or loss while determining:

  • The cause of the damage
  • The value of the damage, loss, or theft
  • Compliance with the terms of your insurance policy
  • The correct level of insurance cover

Adjusters are authorised and regulated by the codes of conduct determined by regulatory governing bodies such as the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters (CILA), which set guidelines for impartiality when dealing with policyholder claims. However, a claims adjuster investigates claims on behalf of the insurance company, reviews your policy from the company’s perspective, and receives payment from your insurer. They serve the insurer’s interests, not yours.

These experts will often seek to secure the best deal for your insurance company, which is often in opposition to what is best for you. When navigating the insurance claims process, your insurer’s best value means a minimised or even denied claim for you. Further, professional loss adjusters will not assist you in disputing a claim if you disagree with the insurance payout.

How do you negotiate with a loss adjuster?

Negotiating with a loss adjuster during an insurance claim can quickly become a time-consuming aspect of the claims process for you and other policyholders across the United Kingdom.

As mentioned before, a loss adjuster will not assist you in disputing a claim decision. This is one of the most impactful differences between the roles of adjuster and assessor. If you have experienced some substantial losses or damages, appointing a loss assessor as soon as possible to serve as your advocate may mitigate any potential difficulty in the negotiation process.

When personally negotiating with an insurance company’s loss adjuster, it’s critical to understand the facts of your insurance policy coverage. Be honest when filing your claim and come prepared with photographs or any additional information you may have regarding your claim. A cautiously helpful and polite manner, bolstered by knowledge of your rights as a policyholder, work in your favour during your settlement procedure.

However, if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or would simply prefer a professional mediator, you may engage a loss assessor at any point during your business or home insurance claim procedure.

claims adjuster

Can I appoint a loss adjuster to work on my behalf?

In a word: Yes. If this is news to you, you’re not alone. After learning the difference between a loss adjuster and a loss assessor, many people ask the same question and wonder which role would be more suited to their claim.

While loss adjusters typically work for insurance companies, you may find and hire a private adjuster: this would be an insurance claims professional who would conduct similar assessments of your claim. They should consider aspects such as insurance policies and the cause of damage and losses, then analyse the claim and calculate a settlement independently of the insurance company.

The difference between a loss assessor and a private adjuster varies in several ways, however. An adjuster may only provide advice and recommendations, while a loss assessor is licensed to manage the insurance claim procedure on your behalf.

You will need to pay a privately appointed loss adjuster, with rates varying from an hourly rate during the procedures to settlement percentages after the final pay-out.

These issues may seem small to policyholders facing the impact of property loss and damage. However, in complicated or minimized settlement cases with your insurer, hiring professional loss assessors who have the client’s interests at heart can shift the way an insurance claim proceeds.

What does a loss adjuster look for?

A loss adjuster from your insurance company will review your claim and assess your home, business, or property on behalf of your insurer. They seek details on property ownership, as well as identifying residents living in the house. An adjuster will also determine if the property is a home or business property and may ask how long you’ve lived or worked at the property when investigating claims against destruction and losses.

Your insurer’s adjuster may also look for:

  • Indications of fraud
  • Country court judgments (CCJs)
  • Bankruptcies
  • Insolvencies
  • Individual Voluntary Agreements (IVA’s)
  • Potential motives of the property owner or other residents
  • Issues with background checks

Several factors can result in your claim’s denial or minimisation. A dishonest claim, outdated insurance policy, withheld information, or destruction due to wear-and-tear could all make a significant difference in the outcome of your insurance claim.

Why choose us?

When you find yourself in the midst of a complicated claim, you can count on the professionals at Property Claim Assist to provide trusted advice, support, and service. Our team of assessors will represent your interests and work with you closely from start to finish. From filling out the necessary paperwork to negotiating with insurers and adjusters, we’ll ensure that you receive the best settlement for your case.

Our extensive experience and expertise in the loss assessor and loss adjuster industry provide us with the skills to become a powerful advocate on your behalf. After just one phone call or visit, our team will begin working on your claim. We’ll make ourselves available 24/7 for advice and guidance, clarify the terms of your policy or the claim proceedings, and commit ourselves to your best interests.

You’ve already experienced the impact of loss or destruction. You don’t need to endure the frustration and hassle of negotiating a complicated insurance claim independently. Please call 0333 577 2720 today for a no-obligation consultation. We will discuss your claim and provide you with recommendations before moving forward.

Whether you choose to work with our company or not, we are always happy to help or provide advice for U.K. residents at any stage of the insurance claim process.

How can we help you?

When you appoint a loss assessor from Property Claim Assist early on, we can ensure the best results for your claim. We will work with your interests in mind, whether you have filed a home insurance claim or commercial businesses and contents claims, and we tend to succeed where others fail.

From a house fire to a flood, stolen property, and other tragic losses, our company will negotiate the terms of your claim efficiently and effectively. The resulting final payout will be optimized for you and your property, maximizing your insurance policy cover.

We go beyond paperwork and payouts when it comes to our clients, however. We know that you may not notice every bit of damaged or lost property in the initial inspection, so we will coordinate specialist surveyors for an in-depth look at your property to ensure a comprehensive claim.

Following a survey of your property, we will recommend contractors who are available for emergency repairs to your home or business. We’ll make it easy for you to get back to living your life without worrying about filing paperwork or hiring a contractor. We will even coordinate directly with your insurer and adjusters to make it completely hands-off for you.

While some policyholders may choose to navigate the claim process themselves, working with one of our professional assessors at Property Claim Assist will take the burden off of your shoulders.

Choose an expert with your best interests in mind. When you’re fed up with the insurance claim process and need a fair settlement, we can help. Call 0333 577 2720 today to set up a no-obligation consultation to discuss your options.